July-August 2021

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July-August 2021

We all know the old saying: “When the going gets tough, the tough get going.” It has been repeated so often it’s cliché. I’d like to suggest a variation: “When the going gets tough, leadership matters.” To say that supply chains have had a tough time of it would be an understatement. Despite the positive vaccine news here in the United States, global supply chains are not out of the woods yet.
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In this issue: Leadership Matters

If you haven’t done so already, be sure to register for the NextGen Supply Chain Conference at nextgensupplychainconference.com. This year’s event will be held virtually on…

Strategic planning under uncertainty: Long-term muddling-through

Companies have used strategic, tactical, and operations planning under uncertainty for these often-catastrophic events—focusing especially on clawing back lost revenue…

Just when you thought it was safe to go back in the water…

If companies act quickly, supply chain management can leverage experience-centric employment strategies to capitalize on these shifts and to create sustainable human resources…

The SCMR Interview: Bobby Burg, Southern Glazer’s Wine & Spirits

The supply chain leader for one of the world’s largest distributors of wine and spirits discusses how the role of the supply chain manager is evolving, along with the…

Become the Supply Chain GOAT

Bill Russell’s winning formula for building one of the greatest teams of all time was team ego.

It’s time to adopt a customer-centric attitude

Over the last year, customers have been forgiving when it comes to delays and missed expectations, but that goodwill won’t last forever. The best supply chains must put their…

Rethinking Cybersecurity: Hidden vulnerabilities in the supply chain

The most recent spate of cyberattacks on the supply chain and beyond should have everyone’s attention. Here’s a manageable scheme for protecting against cyberattacks by…

The Future of Warehousing: The four cornerstones of competitive advantage

Whatever the means, the end goal is to have platforms that can nimbly and cost-effectively adapt to new, more complex and ever-changing requirements in terms of order sizes,…

How platforming builds a more resilient supply chain

A successful platforming strategy strengthens choice for the consumer while optimizing flexibility, costs and risk for the company. The end result is a win for the top line and…

AI is driving new skills in supply chain

Organizations should respond by offering employee learning opportunities.

2021 Warehouse/DC Equipment Survey: Preparing for post-pandemic volumes

In this year’s annual survey, the disruption of the past year certainly influenced some short-term trends, but respondents are optimistic going forward. Results reflect more…

Top 50 3PLs take to a rapid clip

The global pandemic has presented unprecedented challenges. Yet, third-party logistics operators have demonstrated resiliency and strength.


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