1 of 12: Supply chain salary by age. Average, median and age groups.
Supply chain salary by age. Average, median and age groups.
Supply chain salary by gender. 86% male.
Supply chain total annual salary 2023 including bonuses and commissions.
Supply chain salary by job title ranging from 75K up to 263K for VP/GM.
Supply chain salary change. 58% report increases.
Supply chain salary by position. 26% report 3-5 years in current position.
e-fulfillment processes. 51% report somewhat knowledgeable.
Supply chain salary satisfaction. 51% very satisfied with career.
Supply chain education. Job-related training ranks highest.
Supply chain negotiation trends. Online training programs ranks highest.
Supply chain job recommendations. 79% would recommend a career in supply chain.
Supply chain salary by company revenues. Salaries for companies from $50M to over $2.5B.