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January-February 2020
If the holidays at your household were like most, the gifts were chosen and wrapped with care, and then half were returned in the week after Christmas. Maybe more than half. After all, who among us hasn’t bought four shirts in a variety of sizes and colors with the intent of keeping one and returning three. And why not: Retailers and e-tailers alike have made returns seamless, easy and cheap. At least for the shopper. For the supply chains of the retailer, manufacturer or brand owner, returns are a once-neglected area that is growing into a major focus of supply chain managers who don’t want to see their organizations lose their shirt taking… Browse this issue archive.Need Help? Contact customer service 847-559-7581 More options
If the holidays at your household were like most, the gifts were chosen and wrapped with care, and then half were returned in the week after Christmas. Maybe more than half. After all, who among us hasn’t bought four shirts in a variety of sizes and colors with the intent of keeping one and returning three. And why not: Retailers and e-tailers alike have made returns seamless, easy and cheap.
At least for the shopper. For the supply chains of the retailer, manufacturer or brand owner, returns are a once-neglected area that is growing into a major focus of supply chain managers who don’t want to see their organizations lose their shirt taking back our shirts. As supply chain managers, we’re all learning to shift into reverse.
Reverse logistics is the theme of the first two articles in the January issue of SCMR. In the first, special projects editor Gary Forger takes an in-depth look at the process of getting your goods back from the customer to the point of origin. In the following article, Zac Rogers, Dale Rogers and Haozhe Chen explain why every supply chain manager needs a secondary market strategy to dispose of all that returned merchandise. Returns, by the way, are one reason why dollar stores are among the fastest-growing segments of retail today.
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January-February 2020
If the holidays at your household were like most, the gifts were chosen and wrapped with care, and then half were returned in the week after Christmas. Maybe more than half. After all, who among us hasn’t bought… Browse this issue archive. Access your online digital edition. Download a PDF file of the January-February 2020 issue.If the holidays at your household were like most, the gifts were chosen and wrapped with care, and then half were returned in the week after Christmas. Maybe more than half. After all, who among us hasn't bought four shirts in a variety of sizes and colors with the intent of keeping one and returning three. And why not: Retailers and e-tailers alike have made returns seamless, easy and cheap.
At least for the shopper. For the supply chains of the retailer, manufacturer or brand owner, returns are a once-neglected area that is growing into a major focus of supply chain managers who don't want to see their organizations lose their shirt taking back our shirts. As supply chain managers, we're all learning to shift into reverse.
Reverse logistics is the theme of the first two articles in the January issue of SCMR. In the first, special projects editor Gary Forger takes an in-depth look at the process of getting your goods back from the customer to the point of origin. In the following article, Zac Rogers, Dale Rogers and Haozhe Chen explain why every supply chain manager needs a secondary market strategy to dispose of all that returned merchandise. Returns, by the way, are one reason why dollar stores are among the fastest-growing segments of retail today.
SUBSCRIBERS: Click here to download PDF of the full article.
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