
Record-Breaking Supply Chain Disruptions and Supply Shortages

Thursday, August 12, 2021 · Patrick Burnson
Resilinc mid-year data reveals life sciences, healthcare, and automotive industries have been most impacted by disruptions so far this year

Rethinking Cybersecurity: Hidden vulnerabilities in the supply chain

Tuesday, July 6, 2021 · Zachary S. Rogers, Thomas Y. Choi and Seongkyoon Jeong
The most recent spate of cyberattacks on the supply chain and beyond should have everyone’s attention. Here’s a manageable scheme for protecting against cyberattacks by creating a system that provides equal protection from vulnerabilities to any and all suppliers…

Kearney’s 2021 FDI Confidence Index Reveals High Level of Supply Chain Risk Aversion

Thursday, March 25, 2021 · SCMR Staff
In the continued shift to safety, developed markets dominate the Index, reflecting strong investor emphasis on governance and technology factors.

Resilience360 Survey Reveals Supply Chain Management Anxiety

Tuesday, February 2, 2021 · Patrick Burnson
As the world transitions into a post-pandemic recovery period, global manufacturers and supply chain professionals will likely need to continue to prepare for further volatility as countries attempt to stem the spread of the pandemic,” maintains a new report from Resilience360

COVID-19 Means More Cargo Theft and Labor Exploitation, Says BSI

Tuesday, October 27, 2020 · Patrick Burnson
BSI recently announced the latest findings from its quarterly review and outlook of the top global supply chain security, business continuity, food safety and fraud, and corporate social responsibility threats and trends.

Supplier Ecosystems: Managing complexities in the supplier chain

Wednesday, September 2, 2020 · Frank Wiengarten, Thomas Choi and Di Fan
Supplier ecosystems provide an opportunity for supply chain managers to overcome the shortcomings of conventional supply chain approaches when managing complex supply chains.

5 Lessons for Supply Chains from the Financial Crisis

Tuesday, May 12, 2020 · Kai Hoberg and Knut Alicke
For many supply chain executives, the Financial Crisis was one of the toughest challenges of their careers. Firms across industries were required to deal with huge demand-supply mismatches caused by collapsing demand. However, the supply chain community found innovative ways…

Exclusive Interview: More on Supply Chain Slavery and How Managers Should Respond

Monday, December 23, 2019 · Patrick Burnson
In this exclusive interview with Michael Ford, Avetta Global Expert on EHS and Sustainability, we learn more about this ongoing crisis.

Know Your Supply Chain Risks

Tuesday, September 3, 2019 · Bridget McCrea
Supply chain risk management isn't getting any easier. Here are six potential risks that should be top of mind. The first category includes taxes, tariffs, geopolitical issues, natural disasters and other events that fall outside of most companies' spheres of influence

New Report From Atradius Outlines Supply Chain Risks in Asia

Tuesday, April 9, 2019 · Patrick Burnson
Atradius, a trade credit insurer based in Amsterdam, recently released a detailed report focused on the performance of 11 key Asian economies, including China, India, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, The Philippines, Singapore, South Korea, Taiwan, Thailand and Vietnam.

Resilience360 Releases its First Annual Risk Report

Monday, March 25, 2019 · Patrick Burnson
Supply chain risk management company Resilience360 has released its first annual Risk Report, which outlines the Top 10 Supply Chain Risks for 2019— a summary of threats that deserve particular attention during 2019 and beyond.

New Snapshot on Supply Chain Risks Provided by Atradius

Tuesday, June 19, 2018 · Patrick Burnson
Atradius, a trade credit insurer based in London, recently released a report titled “Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) Performance and Outlook” that evaluates the global health of the industry and provides a snapshot of risk in emerging nations.

Atradius Report Examines the Current State of Asia Pacific Supply Chains

Friday, March 16, 2018 · Patrick Burnson
Global trade credit insurer Atradius recently released its annual report on the Asia-Pacific region providing in-depth reviews of each country's performance outlook by industry, and how political and economic situations are playing a role in the current business climate.

Building resiliency in your supply chain

Tuesday, February 27, 2018 · Sean Monahan and Johan Gott
The ultimate effect of populism on global trade is unclear, but the risks are high. Supply chain managers need new tools to value risk under different scenarios.

Measuring risk and reward in the global marketplace

Tuesday, February 27, 2018 · Patrick Burnson
2018 promises to be an “exciting year” for supply chain managers, say analysts at Panjiva Research. The think tank has published a series of eight reports investigating the opportunities and challenges in the global marketplace.



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