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Supply Chain Security in a High-Risk World

An Interview with Barry Brandman of Danbee Investigations

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This is an excerpt of the original article. It was written for the January-February 2011 edition of Supply Chain Management Review. The full article is available to current subscribers.

January-February 2011

No question about it, we have a lot of sophisticated and veteran supply chain professionals who read SCMR. Certainly, over the course of their careers, these individuals have demonstrated a knowledge and mastery of the fundamentals of our profession. But interestingly, every time we run an article that covers the basics of supply chain management—or conduct a reader survey of topics of interest—we’re pleasantly surprised by the overwhelmingly positive response the “fundamentals” receive.There’s got to be a reason for this counterintuitive result. I haven’t put it to deep analysis yet, but it’s logical that information on the basics…
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Supply Chain Management Review interviewed security expert Barry Brandman in our July/August 2003 issue, not long after the creation of the Department of Homeland Security. The threats to the security of supply chains have certainly not abated since that interview; if anything, they have only intensified in an increasingly complex and interconnected global environment.

So now seems to be the perfect time to revisit the subject of supply chain security. And, once again, Barry Brandman is the logical go-to guy. Brandman is president of New Jersey-based Danbee Investigations, which provides professional investigative, auditing, and security consulting services to hundreds of major companies. Danbee’s scope encompasses all aspects of business crime, including supply chain security, inventory theft, fraud, embezzlement, cybercrime, corporate espionage, product counterfeiting, and workplace substance abuse.

Brandman has developed a particular expertise in logistics and supply chain management. He’s a frequent speaker at industry conferences such as the Council of Supply Chain Management Professionals (CSCMP), the Warehousing Education and Research Council (WERC), and the International Conference on Cargo Security. He also has authored articles on supply chain security for a wide range of publications.

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From the January-February 2011 edition of Supply Chain Management Review.

January-February 2011

No question about it, we have a lot of sophisticated and veteran supply chain professionals who read SCMR. Certainly, over the course of their careers, these individuals have demonstrated a knowledge and mastery of…
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Supply Chain Management Review interviewed security expert Barry Brandman in our July/August 2003 issue, not long after the creation of the Department of Homeland Security. The threats to the security of supply chains have certainly not abated since that interview; if anything, they have only intensified in an increasingly complex and interconnected global environment.

So now seems to be the perfect time to revisit the subject of supply chain security. And, once again, Barry Brandman is the logical go-to guy. Brandman is president of New Jersey-based Danbee Investigations, which provides professional investigative, auditing, and security consulting services to hundreds of major companies. Danbee’s scope encompasses all aspects of business crime, including supply chain security, inventory theft, fraud, embezzlement, cybercrime, corporate espionage, product counterfeiting, and workplace substance abuse.

Brandman has developed a particular expertise in logistics and supply chain management. He’s a frequent speaker at industry conferences such as the Council of Supply Chain Management Professionals (CSCMP), the Warehousing Education and Research Council (WERC), and the International Conference on Cargo Security. He also has authored articles on supply chain security for a wide range of publications.

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