
Procurement strategy: Managing Scope 3 emission suppliers for a sustainable supply chain

Thursday, December 5, 2024 · Joydeb Mandal & Irshadullah Asim Mohammed
Scope 3 emissions, originating from a company’s supply chain and product lifecycle, often represent the largest portion of a company’s overall carbon footprint, meaning continuous improvement in the management of Scope 3 emissions is essential for companies to meet…

How technological innovation is paving the way for a carbon-free future in logistics and supply chains

Monday, October 28, 2024 · Marc van den Berg, global managing director for investments, Climate Investment
Collaboration is the key to achieving full-scale commercialization of technologies needed to make progress on decarbonizing supply chains

Moody’s: Carbon Offsets Open Up Supply Chains to Financial, Reputational Risks

Monday, November 6, 2023 · Amy Wunderlin
A new report from Moody’s finds that companies that rely on buying carbon offsets as an emissions-reduction strategy could face financial and reputational harm.

The Polluters in the Mirror: Will Reporting Scope 3 Emissions Save the World?

Wednesday, November 1, 2023 · Andrew Balthrop and Dr. Alex Scott
As regulations around reporting Scope 3 supply chain emissions ramp up, questions on whether it is possible to accurately measure them, and whether it will even change behavior, have emerged.

APQC Infographic: The Importance of Tier 1 Suppliers in Emissions Reporting

Wednesday, November 1, 2023 · APQC
Organizations face pressure from the public, regulatory agencies, and legislation to ensure that they monitor their greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. In particular, scope 3 emissions, or those resulting from sources in the value chain not owned or controlled by the organization,…

Measuring and reporting Scope 3 emissions

Wednesday, November 1, 2023 · Marisa Brown, Senior Principal Research Lead, APQC
Prioritize based on supplier impact, and don’t forget your lower tiers.

What are Scope 3 emissions and why should the worldwide air cargo logistics industry care?

Monday, July 10, 2023 · Charles Edwards, vice president, SASI World
Collaboratively working to reduce emissions is not only good for the health of individuals and the planet; it is also good for business, and that's why the air cargo industry needs to address Scope 3 emissions.

Sink or swim: Decarbonizing the supply chain transportation network

Friday, May 12, 2023 · Jessica Yao Xiong and Nora Lestari
MIT student researchers have studied supply chain emissions and found a nonlinear relationship between logistics spend and emissions, offering useful insights for future investment decisions.

Sustainability initiatives require intentional action plans

Tuesday, March 14, 2023 · Laura Rainier
Despite how some companies act, sustainability strategies provide resilience in times of crisis.

Four U.S. agencies release National Blueprint for Transportation Decarbonization

Thursday, January 19, 2023 · Jeff Berman
This framework of strategies and actions is intended to remove all emissions from the transportation sector by 2050.

The role of blockchain in today’s carbon credit market

Tuesday, August 30, 2022 · Marco Sandrone
Clearly, blockchain has great potential here, but now is the time to experiment and launch pilot programs that can have a meaningful impact on organizations in the future.



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