The 2014 Supply Chain Top 25: Leading the Decade

2014 marks the 10 year anniversary of the Gartner Supply Chain Top 25 ranking. This year we have a diverse set of large, global companies with mature, demand-driven supply chains. There are lessons to be learned from these supply chain leaders, many of whom have led their industries over the past decade.

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This is an excerpt of the original article. It was written for the September-October 2014 edition of Supply Chain Management Review. The full article is available to current subscribers.

September-October 2014

2014 marks the 10 year anni­ver­sary of the Gartner Supply Chain Top 25 ranking. This year we have a diverse set of large, global companies with mature, demand-driven supply chains. There are lessons to be learned from these supply chain leaders, many of whom have led their industries over the past decade.
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Gartner recently published its 10th annual Supply Chain Top 25, a ranking of the world’s leading supply chains. From the beginning, a primary objective of the Top 25 has been to foster the celebration and sharing of best practices and to raise the bar of performance for the broader supply chain community. We also seek to shine a light on the importance of supply chain for corporate executives and the investment community at large.

The ranking is focused on identifying supply chain leadership, which includes operational and innovation excellence, but also other behaviors such as corporate social responsibility and a desire to improve the broader practice of supply chain management. While the list always changes from year to year, there are some common characteristics that separate the best from the rest. This article discusses the insights and trends we’ve seen this year from the leaders.

What is the Definition of Excellence?
Gartner defines excellence as demonstrating leadership toward a demand-driven ideal. Our Demand Driven Value Network (DDVN) model (Exhibit 1) has seven dimensions with interrelated areas of capability and five stages of progressive maturity along each dimension.

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From the September-October 2014 edition of Supply Chain Management Review.

September-October 2014

2014 marks the 10 year anni­ver­sary of the Gartner Supply Chain Top 25 ranking. This year we have a diverse set of large, global companies with mature, demand-driven supply chains. There are lessons to be…
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Gartner recently published its 10th annual Supply Chain Top 25, a ranking of the world’s leading supply chains. From the beginning, a primary objective of the Top 25 has been to foster the celebration and sharing of best practices and to raise the bar of performance for the broader supply chain community. We also seek to shine a light on the importance of supply chain for corporate executives and the investment community at large.

The ranking is focused on identifying supply chain leadership, which includes operational and innovation excellence, but also other behaviors such as corporate social responsibility and a desire to improve the broader practice of supply chain management. While the list always changes from year to year, there are some common characteristics that separate the best from the rest. This article discusses the insights and trends we’ve seen this year from the leaders.

What is the Definition of Excellence?
Gartner defines excellence as demonstrating leadership toward a demand-driven ideal. Our Demand Driven Value Network (DDVN) model (Exhibit 1) has seven dimensions with interrelated areas of capability and five stages of progressive maturity along each dimension.

SUBSCRIBERS: Click here to download PDF of the full article.


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