Supply Chain Aspirations – Part III

Let's boil down the essential learnings of how to get senior management’s attention and support

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How to get the resources you need, to achieve the results that you know (or suspect) can be produced? Readers of this column should know the answer: “it’s the business case, stupid!”

Let me boil down the essential learnings of how to get senior management’s attention and support.

• You need to adopt and speak the language of the executive suite (the “financial language” of the CFO) in order to be effective in your communications
• Develop a vision with BOLD objectives that directly relate to senior management’s interests and objectives (EPS, ROIC, cash flow, risk management, etc.)
• Get some unbiased expert help to assess your current state, compare it to best practices, estimate the opportunities, and build the business case. As part of that, lay out your transformation plan and roadmap (based on procurement transformation best practices, as described in Next Level Supply Management Excellence

• View technology as an enabler of your transformation plan and stretch objectives
• Finalize your business case (what you expect to deliver, in exchange for resources and budget). This should be expressed in dollars, for each year over the next 3 to 5 years. Vague promises won’t get anybody’s attention.
• Be willing to make a firm commitment on expected results in order to gain top management’s commitment and support
• Lead and make it happen

Still concerned that your executive audience won’t sit still for your pitch, or won’t even let you open the door on the subject? My next posting offers a few options.


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About the Author

Robert A Rudzki, SCMR Contributing Blogger
Robert A Rudzki's Bio Photo

Robert A. Rudzki is a former Fortune 500 Senior Vice President & Chief Procurement Officer, who is now President of Greybeard Advisors LLC, a leading provider of advisory services for procurement transformation, strategic sourcing, and supply chain management. Bob is also the author of several leading business books including the supply management best-seller “Straight to the Bottom Line®”, its highly-endorsed sequel “Next Level Supply Management Excellence,” and the leadership book “Beat the Odds: Avoid Corporate Death & Build a Resilient Enterprise.” You can reach him through his firm’s website:

View Robert's author profile.


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