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Supply Chain Management: Past, Present and Future

On our 20th anniversary, SCMR asked founding editor Frank Quinn and four industry experts to weigh in on the future of supply chain management.

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This is an excerpt of the original article. It was written for the March-April 2017 edition of Supply Chain Management Review. The full article is available to current subscribers.

March-April 2017

Supply Chain Management Review, which is celebrating its 20th anniversary with this issue.Twenty years after the premier issue, our goal remains the same: To present thought leadership around best practices in supply chain fundamentals, publish case study examples of what leading companies are doing in their supply chains and keep our finger on the pulse of emerging trends and technologies that will shape the future. While Frank’s essay looks to the past and brings us to the present, we also have essays from four experienced supply chain professionals looking to the future of supply chain management.
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“You want to start a magazine on what?”

That was the incredulous question we heard more than 20 years ago when Supply Chain Management Review was first proposed.

But a core of true believers in our publishing company were convinced that this emerging discipline called supply chain management would soon become a dominant force in business success. We argued that the publication that established itself as the “go-to” supply chain information resource— for the practitioners, service providers and educators who would make up that community—would enjoy a readership advantage for years to come.

Happily, we convinced our management of the importance of supply chain management and of the need to fill an emerging information void. We launched a prototype issue in 1996 that was warmly welcomed by focus groups and in industry surveys. We soon got the green light to begin regular publication and in the spring of 1997 launched the first edition of Supply Chain Management Review. It’s been going strong—no, make that getting better—ever since.

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From the March-April 2017 edition of Supply Chain Management Review.

March-April 2017

Supply Chain Management Review, which is celebrating its 20th anniversary with this issue.Twenty years after the premier issue, our goal remains the same: To present thought leadership around best practices in supply…
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“You want to start a magazine on what?”

That was the incredulous question we heard more than 20 years ago when Supply Chain Management Review was first proposed.

But a core of true believers in our publishing company were convinced that this emerging discipline called supply chain management would soon become a dominant force in business success. We argued that the publication that established itself as the “go-to” supply chain information resource— for the practitioners, service providers and educators who would make up that community—would enjoy a readership advantage for years to come.

Happily, we convinced our management of the importance of supply chain management and of the need to fill an emerging information void. We launched a prototype issue in 1996 that was warmly welcomed by focus groups and in industry surveys. We soon got the green light to begin regular publication and in the spring of 1997 launched the first edition of Supply Chain Management Review. It's been going strong—no, make that getting better—ever since.


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About the Author

Frank Quinn, Editor Emeritus
Frank Quinn

Frank Quinn is Editor Emeritus of Supply Chain Management Review, considered the premier publication for supply chain executives. Frank was the founding editor of SCMR and has overseen its growth over the past 16 years. He has been covering the logistics and supply chain scene in various editorial and consulting positions for more than three decades. Frank is also co-author of the book Diagnosing Greatness: Ten Traits of the Best Supply Chains.

View Frank's author profile.


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